Category Archives: Long Beach Bail Bonds

Understanding Bail Bonds in California


We understand how bail can be a stressful and confusing situation. Let us reduce your stress as our professional and fully licensed bail bondsmen walk you through the bail bond process, answering all your questions. The bail bond process is quite simple. Of course, there is going to be its share of legal print, but […]

What Happens When You’ve Been Arrested: The Booking Process


It doesn’t matter if you’ve been caught shoplifting, where driving while intoxicated, or have been arrested because evidence suggests that you’ve committed a crime, the entire arrest process starts with you being booked. The reason for being booked is to create a formal record of your arrest. It’s called booking, because back in the day […]

California’s Car Seat Laws


Every parent who has an infant knows that they’re supposed to have a car seat installed in their vehicle. They even know that it’s state law. What some parents don’t know is how important the car seat is and the consequences of having a car seat that doesn’t meet current safety standards, that isn’t properly […]

5 Things You Should Know About Your Rights


At Compton Bail Bonds, we serve to protect the rights of those who have been arrested, whether that person is truly guilty of the crime or not. That’s why we offer an unmatched bail bond service. We are the most reliable, affordable, and helpful bail bonds in California. If you are arrested, it is first […]

Safe and Sane vs Dangerous Fireworks


Did you know that California actually has two different categories of fireworks? The first category of fireworks and the one everyone would prefer that you work with is referred to as “safe and sane fireworks.” Most of us are perfectly happy using safe and sane fireworks. These are the simple yet satisfying light shows that […]